Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A small disaster...and crayons and toddler beds

So, normally this is the part of my blog where pictures appear....sadly disaster has struck. I lost my camera--no clue where it went or when it went.  I am sad.  I called very store I went to yesterday and have searched the car and house....still holding out hope that it turns up b/c I am missing photo ops right and left.  Nearly all of the pictures on the camera card were also in my computer already so, on the precious memory front I've only lost pictures of my crayon craftiness and Josie's crib to toddler bed conversion.

I have been saving up broken crayons and finally had enough to make my crayon melts.  I put the broken bits into a couple of ramekins, baked them at 350 for a few minutes and froze them.  Now we have crayon discs that are every color of the rainbow--my kids were both highly impressed with the creation, and you would be too if you could see the pictures...silly MIA camera.

Monday night we decided it was time for Josie to switch to a big girl bed, and we ran it by her to get her approval.  She said, "oh yea, nice".  So, Kevin took off the front rail of the crib and replaced it with just a decorative rail across the bottom.  So, now she has total access to get in and out of bed at will.  I felt certain that she would roll out of bed in her sleep so she has pillows on the floor in front of her bed.  But so far she has spent two nights and is on her second nap without incident.  I also thought she would get out of bed to wander the house or play, but that hasn't happened either.  In fact, when she wakes up instead of getting up she still calls for me to come get her...funny girl.  This also seems like it would be a better story if I had the pictures to support it. Crossing my fingers that the camera comes out of hiding...

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