Monday, May 11, 2009

Air Show and Mother's Day

I was gonna talk about Mother's Day last, but since these pictures are on top I guess I'll start there.  These pictures are a little bit older.  I wanted to post a picture of each of my ladies that makes me really happy to see.  I mean, look at who I get to be the Mommy of!!  Josie is seven months old in her picture and Liv is jumping on the trampoline for the first time--Christmas '07, which makes Liv 5.  For Mother's Day I got to sleep in while Kevin and the girls made cinnamon rolls, when I got up the girls gave me cards and presents.  Liv's card was really sweet--she loves her Momma.  She made me coupons I can use for things like babysitting, vacuuming, and doing the dishes.  Conspicuously absent was the clean her room coupon....She was really proud of it, and so was I.  They got me a new purse and wallet too--using them now and they are working out beautifully.  Kevin's card was really sweet--I won't say everything he said but he did say I was everything a mom was supposed to be and more.  I really hope so.  I hope so many things for my girls.  I hope I am teaching them everything I am supposed to and giving them a childhood worth writing memoirs about.  I hope they know how much they're loved.  Alright, I'm tearing up now so I'll stop, being a Mom....

On to the Air Show--backtracking really since we took the girls on Saturday.  We only went b/c Liv wanted to go--she saw the Blue Angels making their practice runs at school.  We loaded up the wagon and journeyed to the base.  It was quite a journey, there were so many people and such long lines and walks.  By the time we got to the action it was hot.  The girls watched a few of the small planes doing all the tricky "twists" (Jo Jo speak) in the air.  But soon we needed refreshment.  We got snacks and sat under a B-52 wing to eat.  Then it was time for the F-16 to fly....Josie isn't a huge fan of noise (neez, if you're asking her).  Liv wasn't either at her age.  When the planes flew by Josie covered one eye and one ear--trying to cover all her audible bases I suppose?  It was pretty cute. At this point we were getting sunburned and nap time was calling our name, so we left pretty soon after that.  We did get to see the Blue Angels fly from home, so mission accomplished there.

The picture at the bottom is the girls on a horse statue that Josie regularly asks to ride when we go to our local Mexican restaurant....funny girl.

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