Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jo-Jo Speak

I love to talk to Josie and hear her repeat things she's heard other people say.  For instance, she's heard me refer to Kevin as 'Babe' for so long that she has abandoned the traditional Dad names and is now opting to call her sure is precious to hear her yelling, "bye Babe" every morning as Kevin leaves for work.  At Liv's soccer games she yells "go Sissy" and "kick ball".  She likes to tell people to watch her when she is about to perform a new trick and can ask for every type of snack available in the pantry.  She also only likes to sit in her low chair (just a fold out chair she can pull up to the coffee table) as opposed to the high chair because confinement is for babies.  When Josie isn't ready for bed she asks if she can "wait more minutes" before going night-night.  She loves her manners, says thanks at unnecessary times even!  She sings Happy Birthday to herself every day and loves to look at pictures of her party.  Other new additions to Josie's repertoire of words are things like "ew yuck gross" when referring to bugs or snakes, "everybody share" when she wants something you have" and "no only mine" when you want something she has.  She says "c'mon now" to things she wants to see more of, like bubbles and trains.  Tells her sister and Daddy (Babe) to "home fast" when they go to school and work.  "Hi guys" is a popular greeting and when she is ready for you to leave the room she points to the door and says "that way".  That one isn't new, and neither is "hop up" when she wants you to get something.  She loves to make animal sounds and knows a ton of them--everything from elephants to cows to sheeps to owls and coyotes.  She likes to announce when something is next, when it will be okay with her to wait, and she loves to sing the Gymbo song.  If I thought anyone would read it all, I would list everything she says...but really I just love that I am able to stay home with her all day to hear it all (and act as interpreter later sometimes).  

The Denlers are having a pretty lazy weekend.  Liv played soccer this morning and we've home since then.  Kevin trimmed some trees in the backyard and is now doing the electrical work in the bathroom.  After that comes tiling the bathroom vanity tops, ripping out and replacing sheetrock, tiling the floor and paint.....when this is finally done it is gonna truly be the finest bathroom in all of 71104...and I'll be hosting a bathroom warming party for all to come and see!

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