Monday, May 11, 2009

Field Day with the Fish Friends

I really love Field Day--as evidenced by the photo montage below--yes, I realize that I have posted many pics of Liv doing nearly the same thing.  But I promise if you asked Liv, she would tell you there are huge differences between each of those relays.  But, I digress.  Field Day was Friday and Liv's class are the Fish Friends.  Robyn and I arrived just in time to get some prime parking and watch the opening ceremonies.  After that all of the first graders headed to the three legged race--I placed myself in charge of cheerleading and prepping the next runner to go.  We did great and then we were off to Ten to Win--in this game the kids each shoot one basket until the class scores 10 points...get it.  Anyway, it was slow going in the beginning, until Liv stepped up to the line--she nailed her first basket and to prove that it wasn't just luck she drained her next shot too.  Not to brag, but my kid was the only one in her class to make every shot she took.  After a fifth place finish at our first race, we were all excited to take a third place ribbon.  Lunch was next, just a quick pitstop on our way to the relay races.  I'll just say this about my kid's run--she means business, and by business I mean she flails her arms to gain speed.  And it works--big time.  She ran with a hula hoop, a ribbon circle thing, a plain circle thing and through an obstacle course.  It was hot that day and we were all sweaty--and by we I mean all the mushy skinned first graders that I spent the day high fiving and hugging.  The relay races were our last stop before we were set loose on the concession stand.  Liv had run off her lunch and needed pizza, drinks, pixy stix, sour straws, and later she split nachos with Ryleigh.  She had a great day, took home many ribbons, and will hopefully remember how awesome it was that her Mom was there being her biggest cheerleader.  I was so happy that I got to be there--thanks to the husband for letting me not work (also, can I never work again)!  I guess that's all I have to say about that...already ready for next year!

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