Monday, August 3, 2009

Stuck on the ground

Josie is a silly girl these days. Especially when she wants to be held. Instead of just asking me to pick her up (which is rarely since she thinks she grown already) she thinks she needs a clever reason to convince me that I should. When we're at the pool, she knows the ground is hot, so I carried her a lot to avoid "hot feet". Well, the hot feet syndrome can no crop up at anytime and surely that's a reason I should pick her up. So, she used that one a lot for a few weeks. Her new favorite reason that I should pick her up is because she is "stuck on the ground". I tried to reason with her once that I was also stuck on the ground, and she assured me that only she needed to be in the air.

Other new Josieisms of late are calling things "delicious"--not just food items. Telling me that's enough, putting her babies in timeout so timeout if full in case she needs to go there later, hopping and ribbiting around the house like a frog, and when our whole family is doing the same thing Josie exclaims, "same, same altogether--I like!". She is at a fun age...most of the time. I'm gonna do her a favor and leave out the story that ended up with nine back to back timeouts for Mommy to win the battle!


Unknown said...

That was dady's battle! I sent her 9 times ! Don't take credit for my diciplinary skills...

Unknown said...

This is my blog, buddy, watch it! That was a total team effort and when she finally caved I was with her...

Dani said...

It's very clear from this that you two parent as a team. Bravo.

Unknown said...

Hey, we try...terrbile two's are no joke man!!