Thursday, August 6, 2009


Last week we met up with one of Josie's Gymboree play friends--Landry. Landry's big sister is Lauren and she is about a year older than Olivia so everyone had a playmate. At this age, the girls spend more time playing near each other rather than with each other, but they do like to see familiar faces so every had a good time. Josie has never been to Chuck E. Cheese before--for many reasons. First, it's across the river and we Denlers hardly ever venture that direction and secondly I worked at this establishment for about two years in high school . Don't tell anyone, but I actually was Chuck E. Cheese. Which was the best gig there--no uniform required and you're only Chuck five minutes/hour. Down side is Chuck cleans the bathrooms at night, and that is no treat. Anyway, I figure I've done my time there so it never occurs to me as an entertainment option, not to mention the expense. But Gloria, the other mommy, is a Bossier girl and suggested it and had coupons so I was game. Josie didn't even realize the games were something she could play for a while. She just walked around observing, like she was in a museum. Her sister soon schooled her on the ways of the CEC world. We were there for about 2 hours and blew through 175 tokens, and a large pizza and left with an armful of junk from the ticket redemption counter. We had fun, and are going again next week.

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