Friday, August 28, 2009

Dogwood Canyon

About thirty minutes away from the Big Cedar is Dogwood Canyon and we took a tram tour through it...we saw caves that contained 8,000 year old Indian remains, waterfalls, streams with huge rainbow trout, deer, elk, longhorn cattle, and buffalo...all with the help of our guide--Canyon Jim. He was the host with the most and some of his jokes (which are the same jokes he uses for every tour says my mom who has been on the tour three times) will live on forever. Anyway. I was worried that the girls would get really bored since this was a several hour long trip. But they didn't. We got to unload to see a wedding chapel, feed fish, and meet some huge animals. The girls were even impressed with the creeks and caves. They were also impressed with the bounty of snacks that we packed. After the tour, we stuck around for lunch and I got to have a buffalo burger--so good!

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