Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I feel like we have been as busy as ever but I don't have a lot of photo documentation.  Let's see....Liv is good despite a canceled weekend train ride and Dallas adventure with Grandma--the ice storms made the train immovable.  She made the honor roll for the second nine weeks and has made the fashion decision to only wear dangly earrings--no studs for her.  Josie is getting bigger and sassier every day.  She says no even when she means yes--not that she gets confused with word definitions.  She just can't seem to control when the word 'no' comes out of her mouth.  She still loves going to her play place--Gymboree and loves her sister 'Ola' a whole lot. She also loves her wagon rides--when she is laid back like she is in the picture she reminds of an Egyptian princess being carried around on the shoulders of servants--I know, that's kind of stretch but that's what I think of.  I got a crock pot during our day after Thanksgiving shopping frenzy and my mom thought it was high time I used it.  So, now I can make a roast.  And I do it big....including pan searing the roast before crock pot entry and adding a bevy of veggies.  It is a hit with the husband but Liv told me she hates this meal--as she holds her nose and chews carrots fast enough to set world records.  Kevin is ever busy with home improvements.  Our new windows in the living room are framed in and the ledge is in place.  Now all we have to do is some painting and that'll be all done.  I used to have a pot by the front door but was always in the shade and that always meant death for the unfortunate plants planted there.  Kevin found a metal tree that we can't kill--artsy, huh??  I guess that's all for now...

1 comment:

Dani said...

i'll come over for pot roast night and eat olivia's share, mooo hahahaaaaaaaaa!