Monday, February 9, 2009

The last mention I'll make of wisdom teeth

I think I am in the clear--and in the nick of time.  Kevin needed to go back to work today and I'll never win that coveted Mom of the Year award if I try to take care of my kids while doped up on Percoset.  So, I went cold turkey.  Took the last pill at 4:30 am, which meant that at 7:45 Kevin still needed to take Liv to school for me just to be safe and I was on a strict Advil diet.  I did okay through the day, even ate a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.  By the end of the day my mouth felt really tired and the one drilled out tooth hole was throbbing, but not unbearable.  We had Podnuh's for dinner, that was a I am calling myself recovered.  Not bad at all really, Kevin might have a different take on that since he had Josie all weekend, but I think I did great.  Especially after the horrible things that could have happened.  So, if anyone needs to do it--do it!!  I'll hold your hand.

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