Friday, February 6, 2009

No more wisdom teeth for me...

So, today was the day--wisdom tooth extraction times 4.  I had two that were in place and two that were impacted.  I have never had a cavity or any dental work done outside of regular cleanings.  The only person more nervous than me was Olivia--not about the teeth being removed but the IV, b/c she is terrified of needles and doesn't like it when someone hurts her momma.   She had this message to my oral surgeon--"One word, Dr., mask".  They used a mask to put her to sleep last summer for her broken elbow surgery so she is somewhat of an expert.  I have chosen to tell her that the doctor heeded her advice. Anyway, the prospect of "dental jackhammer" busting out my teeth was largely unappealing.  But, as my oral surgeon explained to me--I was already over the hill for having this done and my healing time wasn't getting any shorter the longer I waited.  It was an in-office procedure, but I was totally sedated--like anesthesia through an IV sedated.  After they told me that the medicine would probably relax me, I remember nothing.  Which was the desired result.  I woke up feeling a little groggy, but nothing like hospital anesthesia.  The procedure happened at 8 am, and now at 7pm the numbness is around 90% gone.  So far, so good--kinda have a headache, taking Percoset, gauze is out of mouth and bleeding has seemingly stopped.  I am icing like a mad man to hopefully avoid swelling and bruising--we'll see how that turns out.  Kevin has been a champ--been hanging with Josie all day and has found all the coolest milkshakes in town.  My mom even came over while we were gone and made stew and soup for me.  So sweet.  So, not too bad (knock on wood).  Perhaps I should be the poster child for aged people having their wisdom teeth removed.  

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