Monday, February 23, 2009

Krewe of Highland (and the end of our Mardi Gras)

The Krewe of Highland parade is my fave for many reasons.  It is during the day and thereby warmer and you can see what's coming at you better.  Way fewer drunk idiots--this reason needs no further explanation.  And the best reason I've got is the vast array of items coming of the floats.  Everything from freshly cooked hot dogs (wrapped in foil and con condiments) to stuffed animals to cups to beads to dubloons to candy to ceramic turtle toothbrush holders.  Seriously, anything is possible at this parade.  We made our way to the Stewart's house along with about 25 of our closest friends--actually the adults were outnumbered by kids--they were every where.  We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and hung out to parade time.  After the brief caravan to the parade route the big girls got set up on blankets to wait--actually the only boy child in the entire friend group is pictured below making out with a turtle--my friend Kingsley.  Liv and Ry are holding out hope that he and Josie will get married so they will be sisters.  Anyway, the weather turned out beautifully and the parade was upon us.  Josie was confused at her first parade, tired and uninterested at the second parade, but at her third parade she hit her stride. She was yelling at the floats, had her arms up to catch beads and wanted to wear every single bead she caught.  
Liv got a hot dog, Josie got a rubber shark, and in all the Denlers walked away with a wagon full of beads and other useless crap.  It was a super fun time and afterwards we headed back to Beau and Robyn's house to enjoy her homemade king cake.  The perfect end to Mardi Gras 2009... 

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