Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Barkus and Meow

One of the many perks of living here in the Boot is that we do Mardi Gras big--like dress your animals up for a parade big.  So, last Sunday was that big day.  It's my fave parade, followed closely by the Highland parade.  Just last year I got a turtle shaped toothbrush holder and fresh hot dog wrapped in bun and foil--who has more fun than people...no one in this town!!  Dani--that was for Mike!  Anyway, I'm getting off point--back to the animals.  The parade is held downtown at Riverview Park.  Josie has been there before, but has not previously viewed the river.  She did this weekend, and loved it--she said hi to the river about 82,000 times.  This Krewe does not think less of itself just b/c other Krewes are composed of people and they are composed of animals.  So, to prove that the animal royalty were presented along with countless awards for cuteness and creativity.  Josie didn't appreciate the parade delay at all--thankfully she had the river to greet so often.  The parade started and Josie finally understood why we were there.  She waved, petted, and clapped for every dog, cat, guinea pig, regular pig, horse, rabbit, and creature in the parade.  She got some beads but didn't want to wear any of them until the next day, and now she doesn't want to take her "necklishes" off, except to share them with the dog.  One disappointment on the day--the Scottish Rite people were not there and so there was no yak to be marveled over.  All in all, fun was had by all....

In other news--Liv made the Honor Roll again and her awards assembly is this Thursday.  She thinks this ceremony rivals the Oscars and expects a cheering section.  It's at 8:30 so if you're looking for something to do then, hit me up and we can carpool over there b/c parking is a mess.  Liv is also starting her third season of soccer in a week or so.  We had to take a season off after the elbow incident, so Liv is hoping she isn't too rusty--lemme know if you need that schedule so you can watch her transform into Pele when she steps onto the field....Other than that, Kevin is in full improvement mode.  The window cutouts are about done and he moved from that to replacing the kitchen doorway frames since they were brown paneling.  Then he'll retrim the doors.  We have an official bathroom remodel date--March 6th.  If you have ever tiled, stop by and lend a hand b/c the Denlers never have.  I am super excited about this, since our one bathroom has been between models for nearly two years.  I think that catches everything up....

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