Monday, September 22, 2008

The stairs are built, goody bags filled, next stop--ice cream cake

Just a quick update on the party of the century....I finally got the invites in the mail and they are super cute, but because they took so long to get here, I thought it was totally practical to drive the invitations to the invitees homes.  Good plan, hope my husband doesn't read this.  Anyway, got that done, bought the Camp Rock cups, plates (dinner and dessert size, naturally), napkins and requisite birthday girl pin.  The goody bags are truly things of beauty....this is the part where I list the contents:  magnet set, game pad, Wooly Willy, jacks, Camp Rock pencil, lollipop, Ring Pop, Starburst (x5), pixy stix (x2), and a foam scrapbook thing to be added later.  It's a craft project.  We'll take cute pics, Kevin will go to Target for some quick prints while we decorate with princess type stickers...and I have even gone to the extreme measure of gathering foam letters to spell out each girls names for their scrapbook.  Martha Freakin' Stewart over here, folks!!  I am still in search of cupcake stars for Liv's school cupcakes, scheduled for a 12:05 delivery on Wednesday.  Kevin finished the steps to the trampoline, and they are great--just ask Josie, who is making a career of climbing them.  We have 84 citronella candles to try and ward off the mosquitoes, tomorrow I will order a flip flop ice cream cake from Maggie Moo's--Liv let me know tonight that was what she decided on.  So, let's see--invites sent, goody bags done, presents wrapped, craft project ready, smores supplies on hand, citronella on board, cake in mind, stairs for trampoline safety done, Camp Rock paraphernalia purchased, chaperone confirmed and I am sure I am overlooking something major....but surely nothing that I can't pick up last minute at Wal-Mart.  Right? 

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