Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st grade breakdown, for Jamal who said he'd be interested...

Where to the beginning would be logical, but not nearly as much fun. So, I'm working backwards (after 3 mojitos, I might add). My lady friend Dani had her birthday dinner tonight, and it was an unqualified success. Especially since the raw pork I unknowingly consumed has had no ill effect on me...yet. Candi asked when I would be updating the blog, and I should have known by the smirk on her face she was kidding. Asshole. But, her date--Jamal--said to send him the link and not only would he read, but he'd also be interested. Hence my motivation to update the blog--asap.

So, first grade here we come, right? Right. The initial wave of confusion is my fault. Instead of listening to our first grade teacher during orientation, I engulfed myself in filling out an info sheet on Liv. Great. So, when I get the memo sent home that homework is starting, refer to my SI Notebook, and RAH is due daily...I am overwhelmed. The notebook is a notebook that all students get--they list their daily homework, and when completed a parent initials it. Got it. RAH is read at home--there is a separate folder where we write down every book we read (at least 20 minutes/day) and there is a daily grade assigned based on the amount read. So, this weeks notebook included math, spelling and a scrapbook project. I only photoed scrapbook project, b/c it was the most fun. But, really, I know for sure that I didn't have this type of homework in first grade, much less a reading wall or the pressure to become an author by the age of 6. Have I mentioned that Liv is the absolute youngest kid in the entire first grade.

Thank goodness the school breaks up the monotony of homework with events like Water Extravaganza--for the bargain price of $16 Liv got to attend aforementioned extravaganza and have 2 slices of pizza and a drink. I mean, that's a bargain, right? Anyway, fun was had by evidenced by the small selection of pics below--more available on the myspace page. All in all, first grade is great--Liv is feeling real big and she really is starting to read like a champ and I get to spy on her class every Wednesday when I do Wednesday folders.

In closing, I would like to address the "momtourage". Lingo credit goes to Lando, all the way from Vegas baby--told you I wouldn't forget to give credit where it was due. In the beginning, I am pretty sure it was just a group of stay at home moms. Right. I only knew of one stay at home mom and now she is a full time student (nontrad, if you will) and doesn't fit the "profile", if you will. I am extending the momtourage to any mom or any person who likes and will hang out with my kids, while providing me the opportunity to talk to adults during the day (Kris, this is you). With my new definition I have renewed hope that I can make this stay at home thing work....and I can continue to find a reason to shower and ready myself for the day--even if my main destination is only the lean-to coffee shop (shout out to Alan).

That's all I have for now--any potential momtourage members--hit me up!! And Happy Birthday Dani, 27 has a catchy ring to it--live it up, sister!!

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