Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Liv meets the Tooth Fairy and the newest addition to the Denler Estate

Well, we have had some excitement at the Denler Estate as of late.  First, Kevin built a fantastic swing set in our backyard.  There are rock walls, slides,  swings,  trapeze bars, and rope swings.  Liv was so impressed with it, that she is opting to have her birthday party at home this year to share it with her friends.  Everyone should feel free to stop on by if they are in need of a swing break.
Then, last night I pulled Liv's first loose tooth out.  It had been loose for a couple of weeks and Liv had dedicated a large portion of time to tooth wiggling.  Last night the tooth was laying over sideways in her mouth, so Liv got uncharacteristically brave and let me get my fingers on the tooth.  It came right out, along with much more blood than I remembered loosing when I was a loser of teeth.  Liv said it didn't hurt and was very proud to prance around with a hole in her mouth.  Pretty weird that I am the mother of a person old enough to lose teeth....weird.  Also, Liv is pretty sure that she saw the Tooth Fairy last night--she says she saw purple wings flying in her room.  Who knew?  Anyway, as it was the inaugural tooth and so close to her 6th birthday, the Tooth Fairy left her $6.  She was excited to wake up and check out her Tooth Fairy pillow.  And really excited to show off her tooth hole to her kid is funny.

In Josie news, we are just now getting over a week long virus that caused super high fevers and the most irritable baby I've ever been in charge of....thank goodness we're done with that.  But, I do think we have to be in the middle of a growth spurt--that kid sleeps so much!  Which is why I can blog...Other than that, she is talking up a storm and is also a huge fan of the new swingset.

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