Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The official birthday slumber party recap....

So, where to begin....Poppy and I spent the day cleaning the house, picking up balloons, cake and cookout supplies.  When 6 o'clock finally arrived Liv was so excited she was about to explode.  Prior to that, Josie and Kenzie had cleared out to make way for the ensuing chaos.  All the kids came that were invited--which meant I had 7 little girls sensitive feelings to manage, and that is a large undertaking.  They were all over the place, the tree swing, swing set, and trampoline were all big outside hits and inside the girls colored, had tea parties, did craft projects, played with Liv's jewelry and new cash register (much to her dismay).  All in all, the girls played together well....but there were some issues.  Lots of tattling important info like "she's being mean" and "she won't play with me" and "they're not taking turns".  Five out of the seven girls cried at some point, and to be sweet I am not gonna tell any specific stories about the girls.  We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, did cake and presents, and then it was finally time for the pinata.  Liv said after the party that the pinata was her fave part.  We found this crazy big rainbow bull pinata on clearance at Wal-Mart and had to have it.  We blindfolded the kids for the first round of hits and after that let them whack at it without so no one would missing the rainbow bulls spectacular demise.  The girls chanted Poppy's name when the pinata hook broke and Poppy strung it up again.  When the final blow was dealt, the girls fought over the candy--some were sneakier than others...when I said that all the candy was going to be evenly distributed one girl thought she would get smart and hide candy in her shoe.  Brat.  Anyway, after all the excitement, it was time to extinguish all 37 citronella candles (which totally worked, btw) and corral the girls inside.  Everyone took turns telling "scary" stories.  After that we had a 3o minute vote on which movie to watch--Game Plan was the winner.  The girls settled in eventually and by 12:30 everyone was asleep.  Liv was proud that she was the last one.  I thought my night was over but no--I had a cougher from 12:30-2am, and then at 2:30a another girl was up for about an hour while she tried out 4 different sleep locations before deciding on the perfect one.  The ladies were all up by 7, and they inhaled cinnamon rolls.  The sleep did them good, and they all played together without incident until our last guest left at 10:30.  Liv got every thing she asked for and in Top 5 order, here are her fave presents--ipod, scooter, cash register, dry erase (or drape, Kris) markers, and guitar.  Sunday we had a small family birthday lunch, and I am now done with her birthday--finally.  Thanks to all my lady friends for coming to the party---I mean, it's totally cool for Liv to have as many adult friends as kid friends at her party, right?  I wanted to include more pictures showcasing my friends...but I am out of picture slots.....I'll work on that b/c I have one very special picture Dani will just love...

To wrap this up (because I am supposed to be primering shutters), the party was a success and fun was had by all...glad I don't have to do it again for a year.

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