Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wild Wings and Metal Pins

So, today is the big day (potentially) that Liv could get the pins taken out of her elbow. I wish I had some way to sedate my Nervous Nelly, alas I don't have strong enough narcotics at home. She is scared to death even though everyone has told her this won't hurt....I kinda don't blame her, after all there are pieces of metal that have been inside her body for three weeks and they're supposed to just slide right out? Right. So, we'll see...but wish us luck.

I think this is my first blog since Monday so let's recap the week....Tuesday it was rainy so we stayed in for the day, lots of playing at home, no awesome Hannah Homemaking happened--a boring day, ask anyone. Oh, we did playgym at Gymboree in the afternoon, so I guess that was the highlight and got school shoes and Ry came over for a little bit. I guess Tuesday wasn't as big a bust as I thought. Wednesday was better--cleaned, like really cleaned the bathroom, did the little bit of laundry that had accumulated, installed my drawer organizers, returned a sprinkler to Lowe's, had milkshakes at Maggie Moo's, and got a little Olympic watching done. Not too shabby. Today has been busy...we did our actual Gymboree "class" where our focus was hard vs. soft--I really feel like Josie grasped so many concepts and now feels like a confident problem solver--mission accomplished. Ok, maybe not but she did participate more with what the class was doing, so I feel like we are getting the hang of this place. After that, my fave probation officer of all time--Kris called and she needed to avoid work today--we obliged by letting her accompany us to the mall to ride the bus ride and throw pennies in the fountain. We lunched at Buffalo Wild Wings, and then home to nap.

One more update--you'll all remember that Liv's school told us she had to wear uniform shirts....Right, well grandma to the rescue. She cut the sleeves of a couple of uniform shirts and sewed zippers in to allow for easy entry. Perfect.

And there you have it--up to the minute scoop on the family....I think I have another entire hour of mommy time....what to do, what to do.....

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