Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day to Day stuff

So, I am into Day 3 of this stay at home mom business. I have all these grandiose plans for things I want to do every day and so far haven't really done much to get started on the accomplishing of the plans. On my list are things like clean/organize closets, wash every piece of laundry (I am only loads away from checking this one off the list--progress, right?), plan Liv's birthday, go to the gym, finish uniform shopping for Liv (sale at the Convention Center this week?), teach Josie things that she would normally learn from a preschool teacher, go swimming or to the park, hang with other mommies, pick up a new hobby, run all family errands. You get the picture. I normally hate being at home for too long--I get kinda stir crazy, and I knew going into this staying at home business that I was gonna need some variety and adult time.

To this point, all I have done on my list are some laundry and look online and some dresser drawer organizers. I have spent lots of time rolling around the floor with Josie. But, really I think that is the point of being at home--to hang with the kids. Everything else can happen when it does. Or maybe I pick one list item/day to tackle so I feel a small sense of accomplishment. I also know that if I leave the house to much I will end up at various retail locations and be sucked into buying many wares that aren't all that necessary. This is counter productive for the staying at home and living on one income.

So, here I am, blogging during Josie's morning nap--today I choose ordering the drawer organizers, folding laundry and playing as my top priorities for the rest of the day. Tomorrow--I will leave the house! Josie and I can play at the park early, and uniform shop for Liv after that.

Sounds like a good plan...I think I'm gonna do just fine with this stay at home mom business....

1 comment:

Roo'sMama said...

ah, I know this situation well! After over a year of it, I'm still getting used to it myself! I find things go much more smoothly if we stick to a schedule (well as much as you can with a toddler!). Like wake up at the same time, shower daily (this took me forever to work in!), breakfast, lunch, and naptime at the same times, etc. I make a point to get out of the house in the morning when it's cooler, run errands and go to the gym or park, then back home for lunch and naptime. In the afternoons we watch Sesmae Street that I DVR'd earlier and I do housework while Elmo entertains! Obviously we work in other things like shopping, playgroups, etc. as well, but the basic struacture stays the same! so anyways, thats' my two cents! GOOD LUCK! and keep up the blog, it's adorable! oh, and in your spare time...!