Thursday, August 7, 2008

Meat Sticks and Gymboree

So, just learning things every day....About the meat sticks--they smell horrible and are coated in a greasy film that can't be removed with anything less than Goo Gone. I am used to paying my daycare and they take care of lunch. I pick the kid up and she is relatively clean--now I realize what a miracle that is and I wonder how that was done every day. Normally, dinner at my house is immediately followed by bath time so no biggie to be covered in whatever dinner was (something always gloriously home made, from scratch--or Gerber, whatever). At lunch time yesterday, I thought chicken sticks, diced fruit, and yogurt melts were ideal. I'm covering many food groups and its easy since nap time is nearing. Right. I left Josie eating to go to the kitchen to grab something and when I get back I find my kid rubbing a chicken stick into her hair. Perfect. If you're a mom and have ever smelled a meat stick of any variety you understand the devastation I felt. I made some ghastly noise that freaked my kid out, which led to meat stick being rubbed into her crying eyes and fruit being thrown on the floor. Almost any other food item is easily wiped off with a wipey. Not the case with a meat stick. I tried that and couldn't get the disgusting smell of my baby--which would have been embarrassing at the park later when all the dogs would have thought my baby was a dog treat. So, mid day bath it was.....never again, mommies, never again.

On to more fun stuff--Gymboree!! I have seen this place for the last few years and always assumed it was cool, but knew I would always be at work. Not the case I went by yesterday on a fact gathering mission. Today was our free class and I thought Josie might be hesitant to play and join the other kids. Wrong. She couldn't wait to get rid of her boring ol' mom and play. There were obstacle courses, tunnels, bridges, slides, balls, parachutes and bubbles. I'll work on pictures but we were so busy that's gonna be hard work. Josie was exhausted when we left and won the best dancer of the day award--I was the only judge (not biased) but I think even the other moms would agree that she really rocked that place today. We will go back next week and hope for more fun....

As a followup to my to do list yesterday--my last load of laundry is in the washing machine now, I ordered my drawer organizers, and added to my list the following things that also got done yesterday: made pancakes to freeze for breakfast, unloaded/loaded dishwasher, went for a stroll, hung up a picture, and made some purchases at at 70% off. That is what I call productive!

I am off to get ready for Liv's ortho appointment for the week. We'll get a new dressing on the arm and x-ray the elbow to make sure everything is still in the right spot....I'm gonna try to get some pics of the pins in her elbow today, just for posterity...wish us luck!

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