Monday, August 11, 2008

My Fair Ladies

So, this is my first week at home with both girls--and, boy do we have a big week planned. Today we went to our daycare to get the girls stuff since they are officially unenrolled (weird). Then we went by Liv's elementary school to make sure it would be ok for Liv to wear tank tops b/c of her arm as long as they were uniform color. That was not ok, the instructional coordinator let me know. She did give me a couple of shirts that are the same size my husband would wear. Great, thanks. Liv was real upset about that--and I can't blame her. Who wants to wear a nightgown everyday to school?? I'll be real upset if there are any sort of school pictures before the cast comes off....

But, I digress. The rest of today holds a trip to the bank and Target and then home to cook dinner, bathe, and watch more Olympics (Kevin is already real tired of that). Tomorrow we are gonna attempt some playgym time at Gymboree, possible lunch with Grandma, and some afternoon housecleaning--oh, and I got my drawer organizers in the mail today. Wednesday the park and bookstore, perhaps? Thursday I gotta find someone to chill with Josie in the afternoon so I can take Liv to her doctors appointment--also, Gymboree class is Thursday morning. By Friday, I'm sure we'll all need a stay at home day....the kids are resting now--sorta. Josie is asleep and Liv is "resting" in her room....

I should be doing something productive but resting sounds so good....I have some new pics of the girls playing--I'll work on that for tomorrow.

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