Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Six Flags

First, lemme say this--Six Flags was all Liv's idea. For the last couple of months of kindergarten she was clipping coupons from her Lunchables boxes so she and all her friends could "vacation" at the park. I am not sure what Liv thought Six Flags was (she has never been my adventurous child) but she did not (apparently) think it was outside or filled with roller coasters. I was nervous about mixing her broken arm with rides, but her doctor said he was more concerned about the heat than the rides--so we planned ahead of time to stay extra hydrated and take lots of air conditioned breaks.

So, the car ride over there goes smoothly--not an excessive amount of "are we there yet" questions. And her excitement when she first saw the park was really sweet. It was short lived. We paid $15 for the opportunity to park 8 miles away from the park entrance. Halfway through the walk to the front gate, Liv asks the question that let me know it was not gonna be a smooth day. Before we get inside the park Liv said it was too hot and asked if we could just go to the hotel. I asked what she wanted to do there--just sit is her reply....perfect. I had the "this was your idea" talk, coupled with "of course you're hot--so is everyone else and they're not crying". These things didn't do anything to improve her mood. I knew that her first ride had to be a roller coaster or else she would never do one. We waited for 1.5 hours for the Tony Hawk Big Spin ride (where I gleaned many important skateboarding facts). About halfway through the wait I dumped a bottle of water on Liv's head--and all was well. The complaining stopped--about the heat at last.

She was scared to death about halfway through the Big Spin, so I lied to her about the Runaway Mine Train and got her to do that....and that was the end of anything remotely resembling an adult ride. After that, Liv was more than happy to hang out on rides like Texas Boot, Tea Cups, and the Mexican Hat. But whatever, all's well that ends well. Towards the end, Liv hugged me and told me she was having a great time. I totally felt like Mom of the Year. We ended the day with carousel and a 3-D movie. Ate dinner, and finally checked into the hotel around 10:30. We were the stinkiest family in the history of families, so after baths we all piled into out king size bed and passed out.

Sunday was fun. IKEA was a big hit with the girls--face paint and all. And, I had been telling Liv about Libby Lu all week and I had not undersold it all. Liv loved that place and got lots of cool girly stuff....

It was a good weekend after all--I love how kids totally forget about the not fun stuff. Like if you asked Liv now if Six Flags was super hot--she would tell you no. Right. So, I am so glad we went and Liv didn't have to miss out on the fun b/c of her bum arm.

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