Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our first broken appendage

Well, I got the call no mom ever wants to get at work (back when I had a job) that Olivia was at the skating rink on daycare field trip and had possibly broken her arm....great. I run out of my office, scared to death--this is my first broken anything to be in charge of as a mom. So, naturally, I call my mom. Always a calming force, she says she will meet me at the ER. I get to Olivia and instead of finding my normally dramatic daughter flipping out as I had prepared myself for, I find her silent with just a few lonely tears sneaking out. We go to the hospital, I ask Liv questions along the way. My fave answer was to the how do you feel question--"like a wimpy mom, drive faster".

At the ER, we do x-rays and quickly find out that she fractured her elbow. ER doctor consults with ortho guy over the phone, and we are sent home for a horrible night of pain and sleeplessness to wait on an appointment with ortho guy in the morning. After about .8 seconds of looking at the x-ray, Dr. Green lets us know that her bones are compacted and angulated out. Our surgery will happen in about 4 hours. For no real reason, Liv is scared to death of surgery--so I told her she was gonna take a nap and they were gonna straighten out her bones, but that wasn't surgery. It worked, and she was such a big girl. They put 2 pins in her arm and we spent the night in the hospital. She is used to toting around her arm in a sling now. Our next hurdle is having the pins removed....
Hopefully soon, I will figure out how to put the pictures after the blog....but for now, I am feeding Josie pasta pickups--gotta run!!

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