Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fourth of July

Our 4th of July this year was great--we spent the whole day together as a family and got to play with lots of our friends. We swam in the morning with Alan, Teddy, Kris, and John. Later in the afternoon our family went with Teddy and Alan out to the Rhynards house for a night of food, fireworks and Rock Band. Liv spent the night playing with Ry and Logan and has completely gotten over her fear of fireworks. Josie likes to see the fireworks as long as she doesn't have to hear them, so she and I watched from inside. Rock Band was super fun, who knew we were such a talented group....and for the record I really rocked it as the lead singer for an all girl band. Beau and Kingsley played drums together. My husband and Mr. Rhynard were in charge of firework lighting and I manned the S'more station. Fun with friends=perfect day!

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