Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Daily Show

The Denler Estate is soon undergoing a bathroom remodel.  The brick pavers are gonna be the floor and the shower will be done in 4x4 bone colored tiles with a glass mosaic accent stripe.  I am so excited to see the completed project I can hardly wait.  We are replacing everything new vanities with vessel sinks, new walls, new paint, new lighting--not a single thing that is in the bathroom now will be there when we're done.  Wish us luck, it's our only bathroom and it is a ton of work to do in a long weekend.  Thankfully, we do have some help lined up.  Beau and Alan--this means you.  Liv's first soccer game is this Saturday and she is so excited she could explode at any second.  She's really gonna flip out in the morning when I tell her I got Jonas Brother 3-D movie tickets for tomorrow night.  Just trying to earn that Mother of the Year award.  On the mornings that Josie wakes up first she loves to wake up her sister.  This morning she wanted to go night-night with her sister.  It will be sweet when she's a little bigger and they can have have sister slumber parties.  In the last picture I was excited because Josie was getting to wear a Spring dress and sandals.  Before I took the picture I told her to be fancy and that is what I got--too funny!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Krewe of Highland (and the end of our Mardi Gras)

The Krewe of Highland parade is my fave for many reasons.  It is during the day and thereby warmer and you can see what's coming at you better.  Way fewer drunk idiots--this reason needs no further explanation.  And the best reason I've got is the vast array of items coming of the floats.  Everything from freshly cooked hot dogs (wrapped in foil and con condiments) to stuffed animals to cups to beads to dubloons to candy to ceramic turtle toothbrush holders.  Seriously, anything is possible at this parade.  We made our way to the Stewart's house along with about 25 of our closest friends--actually the adults were outnumbered by kids--they were every where.  We grilled hot dogs and hamburgers and hung out to parade time.  After the brief caravan to the parade route the big girls got set up on blankets to wait--actually the only boy child in the entire friend group is pictured below making out with a turtle--my friend Kingsley.  Liv and Ry are holding out hope that he and Josie will get married so they will be sisters.  Anyway, the weather turned out beautifully and the parade was upon us.  Josie was confused at her first parade, tired and uninterested at the second parade, but at her third parade she hit her stride. She was yelling at the floats, had her arms up to catch beads and wanted to wear every single bead she caught.  
Liv got a hot dog, Josie got a rubber shark, and in all the Denlers walked away with a wagon full of beads and other useless crap.  It was a super fun time and afterwards we headed back to Beau and Robyn's house to enjoy her homemade king cake.  The perfect end to Mardi Gras 2009... 

Krewe of Gemini

Saturday night was the Krewe of Gemini's turn to roll through the Port City.  We were at the Strack house--who we know through Kid's Campus and Kevin's job.  Their house was three houses down from the very end of the parade route.  They had a huge bounce house that was half bounce and half slide--Liv's version of heaven.  Before we had even seen our hosts Liv made friends and ran off hand in hand to bounce the day away.  We ate, drank, and were merry.  Lots of really nice people were there, and Josie loved the backyard.  They have a pond with fish, dogs, a cat, a great tree swing, and lots of slides--Josie's version of heaven.  By the time the parade creeped down to us it was super cold, so we bundled up and we to catch beads that we have no use for, ever in life.  It was really cold and the girls were really tired, but there we stood for hours while the floats rolled by.  Josie wasn't very impressed with beads flying at her face or the noise.  Liv had a great time and in a rare move actually asked to go home and go to bed....and that was a good thing since we all needed to rest up for Sunday's parade...the Krewe of Highland.  See blog above for the skinny on that adventure...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Barkus and Meow

One of the many perks of living here in the Boot is that we do Mardi Gras big--like dress your animals up for a parade big.  So, last Sunday was that big day.  It's my fave parade, followed closely by the Highland parade.  Just last year I got a turtle shaped toothbrush holder and fresh hot dog wrapped in bun and foil--who has more fun than one in this town!!  Dani--that was for Mike!  Anyway, I'm getting off point--back to the animals.  The parade is held downtown at Riverview Park.  Josie has been there before, but has not previously viewed the river.  She did this weekend, and loved it--she said hi to the river about 82,000 times.  This Krewe does not think less of itself just b/c other Krewes are composed of people and they are composed of animals.  So, to prove that the animal royalty were presented along with countless awards for cuteness and creativity.  Josie didn't appreciate the parade delay at all--thankfully she had the river to greet so often.  The parade started and Josie finally understood why we were there.  She waved, petted, and clapped for every dog, cat, guinea pig, regular pig, horse, rabbit, and creature in the parade.  She got some beads but didn't want to wear any of them until the next day, and now she doesn't want to take her "necklishes" off, except to share them with the dog.  One disappointment on the day--the Scottish Rite people were not there and so there was no yak to be marveled over.  All in all, fun was had by all....

In other news--Liv made the Honor Roll again and her awards assembly is this Thursday.  She thinks this ceremony rivals the Oscars and expects a cheering section.  It's at 8:30 so if you're looking for something to do then, hit me up and we can carpool over there b/c parking is a mess.  Liv is also starting her third season of soccer in a week or so.  We had to take a season off after the elbow incident, so Liv is hoping she isn't too rusty--lemme know if you need that schedule so you can watch her transform into Pele when she steps onto the field....Other than that, Kevin is in full improvement mode.  The window cutouts are about done and he moved from that to replacing the kitchen doorway frames since they were brown paneling.  Then he'll retrim the doors.  We have an official bathroom remodel date--March 6th.  If you have ever tiled, stop by and lend a hand b/c the Denlers never have.  I am super excited about this, since our one bathroom has been between models for nearly two years.  I think that catches everything up....

Monday, February 9, 2009

The last mention I'll make of wisdom teeth

I think I am in the clear--and in the nick of time.  Kevin needed to go back to work today and I'll never win that coveted Mom of the Year award if I try to take care of my kids while doped up on Percoset.  So, I went cold turkey.  Took the last pill at 4:30 am, which meant that at 7:45 Kevin still needed to take Liv to school for me just to be safe and I was on a strict Advil diet.  I did okay through the day, even ate a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.  By the end of the day my mouth felt really tired and the one drilled out tooth hole was throbbing, but not unbearable.  We had Podnuh's for dinner, that was a I am calling myself recovered.  Not bad at all really, Kevin might have a different take on that since he had Josie all weekend, but I think I did great.  Especially after the horrible things that could have happened.  So, if anyone needs to do it--do it!!  I'll hold your hand.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The last 10% of numbness

Remember in my last blog when I was on the verge of bragging about how well I was doing.  Well, apparently that was only due to the last 10% of numbnss my mouth was clinging to...I wish it had held on a little bit longer--like 3 days longer.  Late last night I was really out of numbness and now I am in the same boat with everyone else that has had their wisdom teeth removed--it really sucks.  The pain meds my doctor prescribed just take the edge off but don't take all the pain away(which I thought was the point).  So, forget that whole "poster child" idea I had....silly, silly girl.

Friday, February 6, 2009

No more wisdom teeth for me...

So, today was the day--wisdom tooth extraction times 4.  I had two that were in place and two that were impacted.  I have never had a cavity or any dental work done outside of regular cleanings.  The only person more nervous than me was Olivia--not about the teeth being removed but the IV, b/c she is terrified of needles and doesn't like it when someone hurts her momma.   She had this message to my oral surgeon--"One word, Dr., mask".  They used a mask to put her to sleep last summer for her broken elbow surgery so she is somewhat of an expert.  I have chosen to tell her that the doctor heeded her advice. Anyway, the prospect of "dental jackhammer" busting out my teeth was largely unappealing.  But, as my oral surgeon explained to me--I was already over the hill for having this done and my healing time wasn't getting any shorter the longer I waited.  It was an in-office procedure, but I was totally sedated--like anesthesia through an IV sedated.  After they told me that the medicine would probably relax me, I remember nothing.  Which was the desired result.  I woke up feeling a little groggy, but nothing like hospital anesthesia.  The procedure happened at 8 am, and now at 7pm the numbness is around 90% gone.  So far, so good--kinda have a headache, taking Percoset, gauze is out of mouth and bleeding has seemingly stopped.  I am icing like a mad man to hopefully avoid swelling and bruising--we'll see how that turns out.  Kevin has been a champ--been hanging with Josie all day and has found all the coolest milkshakes in town.  My mom even came over while we were gone and made stew and soup for me.  So sweet.  So, not too bad (knock on wood).  Perhaps I should be the poster child for aged people having their wisdom teeth removed.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I feel like we have been as busy as ever but I don't have a lot of photo documentation.  Let's see....Liv is good despite a canceled weekend train ride and Dallas adventure with Grandma--the ice storms made the train immovable.  She made the honor roll for the second nine weeks and has made the fashion decision to only wear dangly earrings--no studs for her.  Josie is getting bigger and sassier every day.  She says no even when she means yes--not that she gets confused with word definitions.  She just can't seem to control when the word 'no' comes out of her mouth.  She still loves going to her play place--Gymboree and loves her sister 'Ola' a whole lot. She also loves her wagon rides--when she is laid back like she is in the picture she reminds of an Egyptian princess being carried around on the shoulders of servants--I know, that's kind of stretch but that's what I think of.  I got a crock pot during our day after Thanksgiving shopping frenzy and my mom thought it was high time I used it.  So, now I can make a roast.  And I do it big....including pan searing the roast before crock pot entry and adding a bevy of veggies.  It is a hit with the husband but Liv told me she hates this meal--as she holds her nose and chews carrots fast enough to set world records.  Kevin is ever busy with home improvements.  Our new windows in the living room are framed in and the ledge is in place.  Now all we have to do is some painting and that'll be all done.  I used to have a pot by the front door but was always in the shade and that always meant death for the unfortunate plants planted there.  Kevin found a metal tree that we can't kill--artsy, huh??  I guess that's all for now...