Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

The Stewart's hosted the sweater party, served fantastic wine-a-ritas, and we exchanged white elephant gifts.  Kevin was awarded an honorable mention for his sweater--his prize was a Summer Surf car freshener.  In the end, we left with a Hallmark ornament and a license plate that (in purple glitter) says 'Ho Fo Sho'.  Can't wait to get the put on the family vehicle and take Liv to school.  It's late or I would probably have more party stuff to talk about...for now I think the sweater pics will have to speak for me.

Natchitoches Christmas Festival

If we are going to load the kids up and drive an hour to see fireworks, then we might as well do it in high style, right?  Kevin's friend lives in Natchitoches and is a proud boat owner.  He invited us to the festival, and how could we say no.  So, we met him and his lady friend at a boat launch and away we went.  It was only a five minute ride to the downtown festival area.  While waiting for the fireworks, Josie entertained the land bound festival goers with many dance moves and feats of climbing.  She didn't understand why we got her the life vest with the handle, but if we hadn't she would have been overboard a million times.  Olivia says boat riding is cool and can she add one to her Christmas list.  We did have to use a port-a-potty once and Liv says, "Mom, whoever invented the port-a-potty....not a good inventor".  Anyway, when the fireworks finally started sweet Baby Josie flipped out, but after a few minutes she realized she wasn't amidst a gang gun fight, and settle into a zombie like trance and chanted "what's that" every time a new firework exploded. All's well that ends well, right?  After that we docked the boat, the kids shed their vests and I was in search of a meat it turned out I didn't have to go far.  And then, there it was--every kids dream.  A combo rock climbing wall and suspend me from a harness hanging thing while I bounce around on this huge trampoline.  For the bargain price of $5, Liv waited for just over an hour and a half for this ride.  She had a great time though and when it was finally over she told me it was worth the wait.  By this time it was past 10 and we still had to drive home.  So, back in the boat we went, Liv even got to do some boat riding on the way back and that was when her crush on coworker Trey was solidified.  But, don't ask her about...she gets embarrassed.  The girls were in bed just before midnight and I am pretty sure fun was had by all.  Kevin and I were sure we were in for a sleep in day today..but no, the ladies were both up before 8.  They did each take 3.5 hour naps today....and so did mommy.

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Hi Man" The story of Josie meeting Santa

Josie has been seeing Santa at the mall for a good month now and every time we roll by she waves like a mad woman and yells Hi Man to him.  I felt like this was a sign of positivity for the future.  Right.  She is the younger sister of Olivia, who insists every year that we leave a note to Santa on her bedroom door stating that he is not allowed in and all presents should be left in the living room(how she stays on the 'nice' list, Ill never know).  This also applies to the Easter Bunny.  In fact the only mythical creature allowed in is the Tooth Fairy and only because she leaves money.  Anyway, I have this great red tutu and shirt proclaiming Josie's position of power with Santa all I need is a picture of the two of them together.  Easier said than done.  Right after nap and snack time on Saturday we clean the kid up and head to the mall.  Only two kids in front of us--another good sign, right?  She is steadily telling him hi....until her Daddy abandons her in Santa's lap.  The scream was deafening and while I thought a screaming baby pic would have been a little bit funny, Kevin didn't agree.  So, here we are with Santa.  If you look close you can see leftover tears in Josie's eyes.  Maybe next year..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holiday photo preview...

We did our 2008 holiday pictures a few weekends ago with Stefanie and yesterday she delivered a CD full of Denlers.  I am still going through them and trying to narrow down my faves for this year's holiday card.  These are some of the good ones, but not holiday card winners.  Hard to believe there are even cuter pics than some of these that will be on a card, right?  Not much else going on right now.  Still trying to wrap up shopping, planning Liv's class party, and that's all I have for now.  Speaking of this class party--I am trying to get a "pin the hat on Santa" game together.  Apparently I am the first one to do this, and I am having trouble locating things to use for the game.  Ideas?

Josie's Christmas Tutu

So, sister-in-law Jodie gave Josie an early Christmas present and needed to see pictures of Josie wearing the, here they are.  Josie thought the tutu was funny, she had fun watching herself jump on the bed.  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Coming soon...

Sorry for the delay in posts. We were all sick and quarantined during Thanksgiving, so no exciting pictures or stories there. We did decorate the house and take our holiday pics (which I haven't seen yet) so soon I should have more to say.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Froggy Day in Lindentown

Tonight was Liv's 1st grade play (see blog title) and she was the finest pollywog I have I ever seen portrayed in all of the theater.  Her song, Polly Woggle Doodle is sure to be a classic.  But seriously, it was super cute and I loved Liv's costume.  I found out last night that she was supposed to be in all green rather than a white shirt and overalls like the other kids.  I got lucky at Target and found the shirt, pants, little frogs and green headband (which had antlers when I bought it).  Josie and I rounded out the shopping today at Hobby Lobby and then my mom crafted the headband with us this afternoon.  Liv and her fellow first graders have been working on the play for almost two months so she was super excited to finally perform.  She had quite a Denler audience--Granny, Aunt Jodie, Cole, and Jordan, and of course her Denler housemates.  Even Black Judy made it--and supplied our flowers for the evening.  Afterwards, I told Liv she could choose anywhere for dinner and out of that the city offers, she chooses Chik-Fil-A.  Yum!  We're still working on getting the face paint off....

Also, I meant to post a blog about Liv's Honor Roll assembly....but it has been almost two weeks ago and I am over that motivation.   But she did make the Honor Roll and also got awards for perfect attendance and getting an A in conduct.  I am so proud of her!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I love Fall Days

While Kevin was hard at work in the yard (per usual), I was hanging out with my three fave ladies--Liv, Josie, and my mom.  This is the first year that Josie has loved crunching all the fallen leaves and Kevin grabbed the camera just in time.  Liv and grandma had a big girl date today, complete with slumber party after the Mudbugs hockey game.  We had a pretty uneventful week...but in the next two weeks we have our first Honor Roll assembly for Liv, 50th day of school celebration (think poodle skirts), Grandparents Day, Liv's school play (she's a lily pad), and something else I'm forgetting right now.  And that's just my scheduled school events for Liv.  I love it when we have lots of stuff going, more from me soon!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Liv opens a savings account!!

So, my kid is a miser--always has been.  I can only remember one time when Olivia has spent her own money and not cried afterwards when she realizes she would rather still have her cash than that piece of crap toy she bought.  I have been telling her that when she gets to $100, I would take her to the bank and she can have her very own account.  This appeals to Liv's "I'm way more grown up than my six year old birth date suggests" sense of self.  She met her goal last weekend, so today we had a date with Chase.  Liv was really excited to tell all the kids at YEP that she was bank bound.  They didn't care but Liv didn't even notice.  She counted her money about 28 times on the way there, to make sure her money wasn't evaporating.  She gave Wesley, her personal banker, all of her own personal information.  And in 15 short minutes Liv became an account holder.  

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Who doesn't love feeding giraffes?

It's State Fair time here in the Port City.  Now, I hate the Fair--by the time you pay to park and walk in with your family you've spent $50.  Then there are rickety old rides you pay more money to ride and ridiculously priced, over processed food and don't even get me started on the carnies.  The Fair's only redeeming quality is the zoo.  And the fact that the day we went we lucked out and parked for free and got in for free.  This was Josie's first time to be at the Fair and she loved the tigers and camels and zebras and goats--all animals she has seen in books at home.  Liv mostly tolerated the animals because she knew she had to before it was time to ride anything.  The carrot sticks were a dollar a bag.  I bought 9 bags.  No, seriously, I bought nine bags. Excessive I know, but giraffes are crazy looking animals, especially when you get to look at them up close.  Just look how excited I am to have my hand in that giraffe's mouth.  Josie was mostly confused but thought it was funny to be sniffed by the huge "dog".  The giraffe is not pictured in our books at home.  Liv was hilarious b/c she thought the giraffe tongue was long enough and strong enough to rip her arm off.  She and the giraffe came to an understanding and she did have fun with the carrots.  I had a cup of tea and the giraffe also helped himself to that.  I could only drag the giraffe visit out for so long, so eventually we left and Josie watched her sister ride all the rides with Jack.  I should have said at the beginning that we had dates for the Fair--we went with Candance and Baby Jack (who really can't be called Baby Jack for too much longer since at 3 y/o he outweighs Liv).  Anyway, we did the rides and fed the kids everything the Fair offered and by then everyone was worn out, so we went home.  And, that's all I have to say about that...

the last act of Halloween 2008

In looking back over my 2 billion Halloween themed blogs, I can tell I posted them at the end of long days.  I stopped giving a lot of details about the know in keeping with the old phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words".  Halloween night Kevin and I thought it would be fun to Josie do some actual trick-o-treating.  Josie disagreed.  We went to the Boardwalk and made a mild attempt to have Josie go store to store and ask for candy.  Instead, we ended up playing Josie's new game called "This Way".  She grabs your finger.  And, to be clear, we can't hold her hand but she will hold ours.  It's all about control with that little lady.  Anyway, she grabs a hand and announces which way to run.  It's always the same--towards a curb so she can practice doing steps with an immediate 180 to go back down the curb and head back to the starting point.  Over and over we do this.  I figure surely I am burning more calories doing that than any sedentary activity.  Kevin's hunger overtook him, and to Notini's we went.  That ended our whirlwind Halloween.  I undecorated the house today, and the pumpkins will go out with the trash on Monday.  These pictures are from different Halloween activities.  My fave is the one of the girls at the Pumpkin Patch.  Josie watched a plane until it flew out of sight and the picture is her asking Liv where it went?  Where is our favorite question at home.  I guess that's all I can say about Halloween.  I have a State Fair blog to do next, but I am not sure I am up for it tonight.  Until next time....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Shine and Trunk-o-Treat

So, Wednesday night was our big Halloween night.  The kids put on their costumes and our first stop was Pumpkin Shine.  We walked through the park and then went with the Stewart's to their church festival-Trunk-o-Treat.  Church members back into parking spaces and have Halloween displays and candy for the kids.  Fun was had, and by the end of the night I was ready for Halloween to be done!

Before and After

Closer to our final look.  From painted red brick with gray grout and no shutters to matching toffee crunch brick and grout with black shutters.  You have no idea how much work this took.  If you see my husband, please high five him!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Team? Wildcats!!

Last Friday was opening Day for High School Musical 3, Liv and I had tickets a few weeks early and even bought extras to invite friends.  So, we went with Ashlyn and her mom Candace.  The movie was good, the music was great, and the dancing was for sure my favorite.  I can admit there were cheesy parts, but watching Liv be so entertained and dance in her seat is so worth it stop, iTunes--we need the soundtrack!!