Sunday, November 2, 2008

the last act of Halloween 2008

In looking back over my 2 billion Halloween themed blogs, I can tell I posted them at the end of long days.  I stopped giving a lot of details about the know in keeping with the old phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words".  Halloween night Kevin and I thought it would be fun to Josie do some actual trick-o-treating.  Josie disagreed.  We went to the Boardwalk and made a mild attempt to have Josie go store to store and ask for candy.  Instead, we ended up playing Josie's new game called "This Way".  She grabs your finger.  And, to be clear, we can't hold her hand but she will hold ours.  It's all about control with that little lady.  Anyway, she grabs a hand and announces which way to run.  It's always the same--towards a curb so she can practice doing steps with an immediate 180 to go back down the curb and head back to the starting point.  Over and over we do this.  I figure surely I am burning more calories doing that than any sedentary activity.  Kevin's hunger overtook him, and to Notini's we went.  That ended our whirlwind Halloween.  I undecorated the house today, and the pumpkins will go out with the trash on Monday.  These pictures are from different Halloween activities.  My fave is the one of the girls at the Pumpkin Patch.  Josie watched a plane until it flew out of sight and the picture is her asking Liv where it went?  Where is our favorite question at home.  I guess that's all I can say about Halloween.  I have a State Fair blog to do next, but I am not sure I am up for it tonight.  Until next time....

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