Sunday, December 21, 2008

Natchitoches Christmas Festival

If we are going to load the kids up and drive an hour to see fireworks, then we might as well do it in high style, right?  Kevin's friend lives in Natchitoches and is a proud boat owner.  He invited us to the festival, and how could we say no.  So, we met him and his lady friend at a boat launch and away we went.  It was only a five minute ride to the downtown festival area.  While waiting for the fireworks, Josie entertained the land bound festival goers with many dance moves and feats of climbing.  She didn't understand why we got her the life vest with the handle, but if we hadn't she would have been overboard a million times.  Olivia says boat riding is cool and can she add one to her Christmas list.  We did have to use a port-a-potty once and Liv says, "Mom, whoever invented the port-a-potty....not a good inventor".  Anyway, when the fireworks finally started sweet Baby Josie flipped out, but after a few minutes she realized she wasn't amidst a gang gun fight, and settle into a zombie like trance and chanted "what's that" every time a new firework exploded. All's well that ends well, right?  After that we docked the boat, the kids shed their vests and I was in search of a meat it turned out I didn't have to go far.  And then, there it was--every kids dream.  A combo rock climbing wall and suspend me from a harness hanging thing while I bounce around on this huge trampoline.  For the bargain price of $5, Liv waited for just over an hour and a half for this ride.  She had a great time though and when it was finally over she told me it was worth the wait.  By this time it was past 10 and we still had to drive home.  So, back in the boat we went, Liv even got to do some boat riding on the way back and that was when her crush on coworker Trey was solidified.  But, don't ask her about...she gets embarrassed.  The girls were in bed just before midnight and I am pretty sure fun was had by all.  Kevin and I were sure we were in for a sleep in day today..but no, the ladies were both up before 8.  They did each take 3.5 hour naps today....and so did mommy.

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