Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowman Brigade

 Wow, it snowed here.  I can't even remember the last time this has happened.  And I'm not talking like a light dusting or ice--we're talking powder, baby--4-5" of it!!  I live in the South where we have temps in the 100s during the summer, so snow is like an alien substance I have no familiarity with.  It started snowing here yesterday morning and continued for about 24 hours.  When the girls woke up this morning, we bundled up and went outside to play.  I hate cold weather, but it was so fun making angels and snowmen and snowballs and watching the girls be so excited, that it didn't even seem cold (for the first hour, anyway).  We went on a walk around the block to see more of the snow and I took pics of the snowmen we met along the way.  Ours is the top picture, with the cutest hat and scarf--really, I think we have a snow lady. I'll post more pics of the kids playing soon--I'll be riding out the snow thing for a few more blog posts :)


Kristen said...

I like the one with the beer in his hand that looks slightly intoxicated.

Also, I still can only see like half of the pictures that are on the right. The last few posts have been that way and I have to click on them to see the full pic. I wonder if I'm the only one...

Unknown said...

Hmm...I wonder why...I'll try in my next post to resize them or out them in the center and left only to see if that changes anything...

CANDANCE said...

Looks like yall had a great time in the snow!

No Kris u are not the only one i have only been able to see half the pictures also on the last couple of post