Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's official--I'm a weblebrity

So, odds are good that if you are reading this, you also frequent my pal over at (and if you don't you should).  She recently blogged about a website that we love... (which is great, and you should also be checking).  The website is dedicated to funny email between moms and their kids, and it is hilarious...

Anyway, my mom's birthday was about a month ago and I got her the Postcards book....a few days ago she emailed me about the book.  I forwarded her email to the Postcard people...and they totally put it on the website!!  Which makes me a weblebrity....if you're interested in having me appear at your next birthday party, class reunion, or bar mitzvah, please submit all inquiries to my agent.

Check us out, our subject title is "Ready for 'Love, Mom' Part 2".

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