Monday, December 28, 2009

Surfer Girl

Liv finally got to see her room Christmas night....and it was mostly done. There are a few decorative things to put up-a shelf above the mirror, a magnet board above the cubical storage thing, some surfer girl decorations and lighting under the bed...and eventually we would like to get a rug for the room. But for the most part the room is done and Liv was amazed--she loves the desk area and sleeping in the 'tall castle tower' (what Josie calls the bed). Kevin worked SO hard to get the room done--many an all nighter at the end. And a big thanks to Teddy who spent 12 hours on Christmas Eve helping me paint!

After Liv saw her room, the first thing she did was get out a math workbook to do homework for fun--just to have something to do at her desk!! So cute....

I wish I had thought to take some good before pics--but the room before was green and she had a dark wood sleigh bed, so this was a complete change!

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