Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Candance Birthday Lunch...

Candance's birthday was the last birthday of the year (along with Emilie) so we had a birthday lunch to celebrate. The boys were invited too, but not a single picture of them was taken because, well because their boys and they don't care about stuff like that. Restaurant of choice was Zocolo--a fine establishment that had something for everyone. Candi got pretty much everything on her birthday wish list--robe, rainboots, clothes, frames and house stuff. Whenever we're together we feel obliged to take group pictures...the guy with my camera clearly wasn't a pro at focusing but was a good sport for taking the pictures, so I guess we'll call it even. Anyway, I'm not sure whose idea it was to robot pose...but here's what that looks like...

In other news, things have been crazy around here--Liv has been evicted from her bedroom and it has since been turned into a construction zone. Liv knows we are redoing her room for Christmas and knows that we're using a surfer girl theme, but that's all she knows. So, for this month her mattresses have been moved to the floor of Josie's room and they are roommates. It's killing Liv to not see anything, but she likes the idea of being surprised (most of the time). Kevin is building her a loft bed with desk and cubical storage underneath. He is also building a bookcase and a million other things for the room. So, if you need him, you can find him in Liv's room. Josie saw Santa at school this week and when I picked her up the first thing she wanted to tell me was that she 'did not like Santa'...but later asked if she could still have his presents. Liv is making gingerbread houses and having a class party this week at school.

Looking forward to Liv being out of school and doing some Christmasy activities....

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