Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fire Truck House

I've been telling Josie forever that I would take her to her Uncle Rick's fire truck house. It's been hard to work out a time to go--it's way north of town, and I've got to work around Liv and Josie's school schedules and Rick's work schedule. Anyway, the stars aligned last week and the time was upon us. I picked Jordan up on the way, and away we went. Josie loved the trucks and would have stayed all day. Rick showed the girls everything...all the lights, hoses, cool firemen tools, and even the ambulance. Liv was a little bit disappointed that there wasn't a pole to slide down, but all in all the visit was a success. We ate lunch afterward at Oil City's finest...Gotta Pizza. Then we Gotta Outta there....

This week we did Thanksgiving and got the house ready for Christmas. You should all be on the edges of your seat waiting for that...

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