Monday, November 23, 2009

The Fair...very belated

So, Robyn and I took the kids to the Fair, like a month ago and I was psyched to blog about it until I let a month go I mostly want to have you fine folks look at the pictures and glean from them all the fun we had. The kids rode rides, we had snacks, and my personal favorite was feeding the giraffes. Sure, I have funny anecdotes about Josie's first unsupervised by a parent ride and how funny Kingsley and Josie thought feeding the giraffes were and finding the llama that looked just like Robyn, but the moment has passed...I'll just leave it as fun was had by all...

And, I'm gonna get back on track with the blogging. I was doing so good with the Halloween posts, then I just kinda fell apart...

Tomorrow I am taking the girls to Uncle Rick's fire, fun!

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