Sunday, October 4, 2009

Liv turns 7!!

September 24, 2002 I got to meet Olivia for the first time. She was beautiful then and is beautiful now. I have loved being her Mom for the past seven years and can't wait to see what the future holds for her. On to this year's birthday celebration. Her birthday fell on Thursday and as is our custom, Liv and I made cupcakes for her class. This year we opted for white cake with purpleish icing and sprinkles. My mom and I made the delivery and the cupcakes were a huge hit. The next day was her party...a slumber party. We invited six girls to spend the night and had all of our friends and family over to grill and have cake. We lucked into really great weather that night, and thank goodness because 25 people in the Estate would have been unpleasant. So, we also got to show off the new patio and pergola--it was a win, win night! Anyway, we ate, Liv opened presents, we sang Happy Birthday, and then ate the Happy Cake (Josie lingo, also her fave part). After that all the adults cleared out--including my husband and left me and Teddy to manage 7 seven year olds and my nearly 13 year old niece. Many thanks to Teddy for braving the storm and also spending the night! We did a slumber party last year and was drama filled--lots of fighting, tattling and I think every girl cried at least once. This year was a breeze...the girls played really well all together and broke into smaller groups with no trouble, we had no tattling and no crying. The girls did fashion shows, had dance contests, made picture frames and bracelets, ate late night pizza, watched a movie and were in bed at 12:30 am--huge success! We wrapped up the party in the morning with some early morning trampoline jumping and cinnamon roll eating. So, thanks to all the moms who trusted me with their kids for the evening and all the friends and family who came to the party and all of Liv's gifts and to Teddy for keeping me company!! Can't wait to see where we go from here....


Kristen said...

I'm sorry that I missed the festivities! Next year Lillian will have just turned 1 and will be all about joining in at another birthday party!

Unknown said...

Katie, You did a great job on the festivities! Such a "Minnie"......

Unknown said...

Thanks Mom! It's fun to play hostess...