Thursday, October 29, 2009

Liv's School Play ~ The Drum

Liv does a musical every year at school, and this year the second graders were the first to perform this year. Their play was called the drum and follows a poor Indian boy as he helps people on his way to getting a drum...the one thing he wants for his birthday. We learn that being a good Samaritan not only helps other people but is rewarding for you. Anyway, Liv didn't have a stage part this year (her first time without, much to her dismay) so she was a part of the choir. She was to dress like a poor Indian (like from the country of India, not Native American) woman from the 1800s. She wore a skirt of mine that my mom sewed elastic into so it would fit and belted slouchy sweater. The scarf on her head was sorta last minute because I couldn't decide if it was more Indian woman or pirate. All the kids wore them, so Liv was glad she had one. Liv really belongs on a stage and put on quite the performance. We gave her flowers after her show and took 2,000 pictures of her on the stage. Josie was proud of her sister, and was the loudest cheerleader there. It was raining like crazy that night so thanks to Teddy and Grandma for trekking through the rain to support my girl!

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