Saturday, October 10, 2009

Circus 2009

We did the circus thing a few weekends ago. Our neighbors, Trey and Erin were well connected this year. They got us free tickets, backstage access, free programs and face painting. So, we really did the circus thing this year. As soon as we got inside we went backstage before the show. We got to see the camels, tigers, and ponies hanging out before show time. The elephants were already on the floor giving rides to kids. When we got back to our seats Kevin had secured us one of every food item my kids ate cotton candy, snow cones, nachos, pizza and funnel cake. Not sure that the sugar high has ended yet! We did have our niece Jordan with us, so at least there was someone else helping us eat so much food. The show started and I really thought the loud music and various noises were gonna scare Josie, but I was wrong--the kid loved it! Th trapeze artists worried Olivia, but other than that, the kids were highly impressed. My favorite act was the sheepdogs, who you could tell were having so much fun. We also saw elephants walking on barrels, contortionists, and the ladies that do the tricks while wrapped up in sheets high in the air (I should probably Google what that act is actually called, but I'll assume my educated readers know what I'm talking about). During the intermission Liv, Jo Jo and Jordan chose the camel as their animal to ride for the evening. For a ridiculous amount, we procured the appropriate coupons and got in line. Josie was so excited, until she was actually placed on the camel. Then she was positive the world was ending. I thought that after the camel got moving she would settle down. Wrong. Really wrong. The guy running the ring wasn't interested in stopping the camel, probably for fear of having to refund the ton of money I had paid to put my poor baby on the animal. Circuses are real rackets, but I'll save that for another post. So, here I am feeling horrible for leaving Josie on the camel, but the second she was off the camel the tears disappeared and she told me she had "so fun" and can we do it one more time......all's well that ends well, right?

Anyway, fun was had by all--big thanks to to Trey and Erin and Erin's mom and step dad for our major hookup!!

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