Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Josie goes to school

I'd been looking for a Mother's Day Out program for Josie since the summer, but I didn't realize they registered for that in April to start in September. So, I was on several waiting lists. Finally, a church super close to home called me and one of their little girls was moving to Alabama which created a spot for Josie. Hooray! We went and took the tour and got all signed up. The first 2 times I took her, the director of the program suggested that I stay so she was a little bit familiar with the people and places before I dropped her off. So, we did that and Josie loved it. They start the morning with free play, then do art, music and have outside time (Jo's fave). After that is lunch time and when I pick Josie up. She could stay until 2 and take a nap there, but at most it would be an hour long nap and she is a big napper so I pick her up and let her nap at home. This gives me Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-12:30 with some free time, which I've been using wisely with errands (so far). The first two times I dropped her off she was super excited and couldn't care less that I was leaving her. What's funny is that I was kinda sad that she didn't cry, which is silly, I know. Now, the past two times I've dropped her off she has cried and that is way worse than me being sad that she didn't cry. I wait in the hallway to see how quickly she calms down and it probably takes under a minute, so I know she'll get used to school and love to go. As long as it isn't time to drop off she loves school--we talk about how fun it is and sing school songs and wave to her school when we drive by it in nonschool days. I am glad that she is going mostly so she can start getting used to a structured day and learn to share like a champ and wait in line and take turns...things that are hard to teach her when it's just the two of us at home during the day. I am also loving my free time...it is so much easier to run errands without having the kids with me!!

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