Monday, April 27, 2009

The weekend

Our weekend was great, another weekend with nice weather and lots of family time.  Saturday morning Liv played soccer, and Josie discovered the joy of cheering upside down.  After that we made a mad dash home so Liv could be picked up for a slumber party with Kevin's mom and cousins and then headed to baby Mia's birthday party--she turned one.  After cookies and ice cream the birthday group headed to the Dogwood Park and fun was had by all.  The Denlers were accompanied by the Stewarts, Rhynards, and Mia's family.  It has been a million years since I seesawed and Josie's first time ever.  Even better than that is seesawing with all adult friends.  Still waiting to see those group shots...and like Jason Rhynard said, surely us all seesawing together was just a matter of time...Josie never skips naptime so by the time we left the party at 4:30 she was exhausted and asleep before we left the parking lot.  Sunday we went to see Ry act at Barnes and Noble with her PPP group and then we went to the Stewarts so Liv could show Ry her training wheeless bike riding skills.  She tried to help Ry learn the same way she was taught, by the end of the day both girls were zooming up and down the street.  Had tacos for dinner and then went home to watch Life Without People, Kevin's new fave show.  All in all, a great time....except for one video that Beau insisted I watch.  And a side note for all of my dedicated readers (so, prolly just my mom), the Denlers can now shower at home--I should have taken a picture of that too....just the curtain set up.   So, everyone who was on the edge of their seat to find out what we've been up to can lean back--you're caught up!

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