Monday, April 27, 2009

Earth Day Butterfly Release

Earth Day was last Wednesday, and in honor of that Kevin and I took Josie to a butterfly release at Sci-Port.  The website also purported that there would be several large tents you could go into and let butterflies land on your body--this is the part I was most excited about.  Alas, the tents were not set up, the marketing lady told me they also thought the tents would be large but upon arrival were so small that Josie prolly could not have climbed in them.  Eventually the butterflies were brought out and in my head I had created a very dramatic release where hundreds of butterflies were set free from cages and they would fill the sky.  This is not the way butterflies are released.  The butterfly people brought out the butterflies in envelopes, one butterfly per wax envelope.  Lots of schools were there that day and I pushed several grade schoolers out of the way to secure Josie her very own butterfly.  After that Mother Nature stopped by and gave a quick talk about environmental preservation and what not...then it was time for the big release.  On the count of three we opened our envelope to set free our little Monarch.  Josie was very interested in the butterfly while he was contained, when we opened the envelope the butterfly was "ew yuck, gross".  It took a minute for the butterfly to take off so we did get to look at him up close.  Then is was over.  Liv is gonna take a recycling class at school in a few weeks--she is excited to make her own paper.  Other than that, our Earth Day celebration ended there...really, we celebrate daily.  Josie hugs very tree she passes on our walks and Liv loves to recycle.  I tell the girls that doing all that stuff saves the polar bears and they are very proud.

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