Monday, October 6, 2008

Keri Russell is my new best friend...and Josie's 18 month well visit.

Kevin, Josie and I went to the Revel on Saturday and had a rockin' good time.  Josie got to dig in the dirt, build things with blocks, and grocery shop--complete with kid size cart and shopping list.  This was not the perfect time to have left the house without my camera--none of preciousness captured on film.  Anyway, when she got hot we rolled on over to Sci-Port for some inside play and who is there--Keri Russell and her husband and baby.  She was super cute and tiny.  The Denlers played it cool, but eventually Josie made first contact.  Upstairs at Sci-Port is and exhibit where a ball is suspended in the air and she stole the ball--from Keri's baby.  Perfect, my kid has no manners.  We introduced ourselves--her husbands name is also Kevin, and the baby is River (16 mos old).  The kids played together for a while and we made small talk.  Sci-Port ain't that big, so after that we made our way through the place together.  Josie was wearing her brand new mooshues--they squeak when she walks.  When it was time to leave, they waved bye...she is in town for a couple of months filming Leaves of Grass with Ed Norton and Susan Sarandon.  So, that's it.  Even though, as they walked away I am sure they wanted to hang with the Denlers longer....

Onto Josie's doctors visit.  It was just a well visit for them to tell me my kid is growing right and totally normal--which I already knew.  So, the appt is at 9, and I am amazingly right on time.  At 10:15 we are finally moved from the waiting room to an exam room to wait some more.  Entertaining a 1 year old in a small space for that long is exhausting and ridiculous--like could I have shown up to the drs office at 10:30 for my 9 appt since that was that actual time I was going to be seen?  No.  They would send me away with new appt on another day.  Surely not, you say, well I know this to be true b/c I unintentionally tried it when Josie was a week old.  Josie was cool until we got to the exam room and then she remembered this is the place where shots are administered and she lost it.  She screamed through all of the painless activities like, measuring her head circumference and length.  Thank goodness we had a window, she was distracted by a bus driving by long enough to realize that no needles were presently entering her body.  Dr. Brown ran in long enough to tell me my kid was totally normal and on track--no duh, Dr. Brown, no duh.  So, my kid is 21 and 1/2 pounds and 31" tall.  A little above average on height and under average on weight.  And off the charts on the cuteness levels....even the dr said so.

We left the appt with just enough time to eat lunch with Liv.  It was a surprise for Liv, so that was fun.  No pics today, but I did get some good action shots of Josie playing in the backyard and at Gymboree--if she hadn't just woken up from her nap, I'd upload them now...... 

1 comment:

Roo'sMama said...

Ryleigh has mooshoes too, and I love them, they're like a tracking device! lol! everytime she wears them at my parents house, the dogs follow her around cuz they think she's got a squeaky toy on her! lol!