Monday, October 27, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Carve of '08

Sunday afternoon we decided it was time to carve the pumpkins--they only have to last five days to make it to Halloween.  What they don't tell you about carving pumpkins is how quickly they rot, begin to smell, and attract millions of bugs.  Anyway, it was time.  Liv picked our templates for the year--Happy Bat and Happy Hal.  Love that positivity.  These designs only had a one apple level of difficulty, out of a possible four apples.  In years past we have done three apple designs, so these were a breeze and didn't take long.  Liv got to do a lot of the work and felt like a big girl.  Josie mostly just ate dinner while we carved, maybe next year she'll be more aware.  Also, notice in the pictures that the house is fantastic toffee crunch color.  I am off to paint the last set of shutters, hopefully those will get put on the house this afternoon, and then I'll post completed house pictures.  And by complete, I mean the three sides of the house that can be seen from the road.  The back of the house is still totally primer white...only so many hours in the day!

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