Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Duck Pond, tripod tricks, and Josie gets a potty!!

Well, with a title like that I just know I have you all on the edges of your seat.  We took the girls to the Duck Pond on Sunday and we were the first people there for the day and thereby the most popular with the ducks who wanted breakfast, even if that meant eating my kids.  Since it was early and they were still being sweet (my kids, I mean) I elected to skip out sacrificing them--this time.  The ducks were really aggressive and after one of them charged and hissed at Josie, Daddy decided we were to play we went.  Fun was had by all.  Josie is growing into quite the show pony these days and is constantly learning new "tricks".  We call this one the Tripod--just her head and feet touching the ground, arms out.  It is hilarious to watch her fold her body in half and she thinks it is hilarious that we laugh at her.  Also, of late, Josie has been really into potty talk.  When you ask her if she has pooped or whatever (hey, I realize we're getting into mom only territory her, but I promise it won't last long) she grabs her diaper and says potty and runs to the bathroom.  So, the Denlers (and more specifically Josie) are proud new owners of a Royal Throne Potty.  We went with blue since everything in our bathroom has to work around the blue tub.  The potty has sensors in it so it knows when Josie has made a "deposit" and then it plays music.  Funny.  She likes it, but is still working on lining her body up the right way to sit on it.  Not that Josie is saying bye to diapers just yet, but this does feel like progress.

For all you detail oriented people, the pictures are blurry b/c my camera battery is low but I didn't care enough to not get the pictures to stop and charge.  The beige with blue sponge painted bathroom walls are not the Denlers idea of a good time, that's the way they were at time of purchase.  If you've ever seen my bathroom, you know it is in constant remodel mode, painting has to happen later.  Also, Candance--check Liv in the gray birthday sweater you got her--cute, right?

I guess that's all I have for now....but coming soon I'll have pics from Gymboree--a goal for tomorrow, Liv reenacting activities from a book at school (our first 1st grade play), and Josie's well baby update....

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