Monday, October 20, 2008

The Denler Estate Update

Katie, why so long between tonight's two blog updates and the last ones?  I'm glad you asked...every spare second has been dedicated to the repainting our house(actually, we just spent every daylight second of the weekend painting, but it feels like forever).  Our house was built in 1953 and was a lovely natural red brick color.  So why someone thought painting it "safety red" was a good idea, we'll never know.  We've talked about painting the house since we bought it.  Kevin power washed first.  Then we primered the entire house on Saturday--and we just thought that sucked.  We weren't  primering the grout and we didn't realize how horrible and time consuming that step would be.  In half of Saturday and all day Sunday we painted the grout for the driveway side of the house and the front of the house.  As it stands now, Monday night, we have rolled on our final brown (toffee crunch, if you will) on those two walls, have most of the other side to grout paint and roll and the entire back side.  We also have shutters to paint black and put on the sides of the front 3 windows.  When it's done--if ever get there--I know I am going to love it but the actual getting there part is sucking my will to live.  If you have any spare time, I promise I have a paintbrush with your name on it...

The other pictures are of Josie on a bus--the highlight of her week at least--she loves all large pieces of machinery.  Choo choos, planes, buses, trucks all thrill when Kevin saw an open bus he thought he would show her what was happening on the inside.  She loved it.  In the other picture she is looking through Kevin's legs to see a truck drive by--see, the kid loves heavy machinery...more from me later....

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