Sunday, October 3, 2010

Well, September slipped away...

I  had been doing so well with blogging as events happen, but the end of September was crazy busy!  My birthday was the 19th and Kevin planned a big surprise dinner with 20 friends--so, so fun!!  We ate at Shogun--where I got to not only wear the chef's hat, but also go behind the grill and do some of the tricks they do.  I nailed the trick where you toss an egg up with a flipper thing and then catch the egg on the side of the flipper to crack the egg.  There's a video of that on YouTube somewhere...I forget how Kevin tagged it.  After dinner we went dancing, where fun was had by all.  Especially Sherry, who just wanted her dance moves to make sense with the music (hey Sherry, this is your first blog shout out--hey there!).  Saturday night Kevin and I went to see a movie and then Sunday we had some family over for a small cookout.  I wish I had more pictures of the weekend--such good times!  

Next up was Liv's birthday, and Liv is cheering now...these blogs are hopefully coming soon....

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