Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snowflake Is Here!!

Our elf finally arrived last week.  The girls named him Snowflake and have been very good about following the no touching rule.  Snowflake has also been a powerful motivator to get the girls out of bed in the morning.  It's a race to see who can find him first...I love that my girls are still caught up in the magic of Christmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Moving to Christmas...

The lights are up!

See Y'all...I have been busy (in this case, Painting With A Twist)

This is the best idea ever, and I hope the owners become billionaires.  Painting With A Twist posts a monthly calendar and you sign up to paint on whatever day blows your skirt up.  In this case, we did a funky Christmas tree.  You show up, go to your assigned seat where canvas, paint, and brushes await.  There's an instructor that leads everyone how to paint whatever it is your painting.  But here's the kicker gang--you can drink while you do this!  Zing!!  Most fun way to unwind with friends ever.  I had a super fun time and can't wait to go back.  I may be the next Van Gogh, except I'll probably keep both of my ears...

Cake War

There's a girl at my job (shout out Lizzie) who makes all of the birthday cakes in our office--and they are amazing.  So for her birthday we organized a secret Cake War.  It was super fun!  My team put a tone of time and dollars into our cake, and even though we only got 2nd place, I'll continue to think our cake was the best....

Wrapping Up Halloween

I didn't blog it in a timely manner, but we did do the actual trick or treating on time.  But, how funny would it be to be in costume, asking for candy while everyone else is putting lights on their house.  Nice. 

Too Belated To Be Acceptable Halloween Montage

Just a random smattering of Halloween...now that we're well into the Christmas season.  I am an awesome blogger!  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Baby's A Patriot

So, I know I have been the worst blogger ever--and not for lack of material....I have pumpkin carving, the Pumpkin Shine, Halloween, all the good stuff in between.  But, my old laptop charger has given out and that's where all of the pictures are...so, until I get that remedied, I;m kinda stuck.  In the meantime, check out my Josie and her patriotism (her underdog reference is my fave).

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cheering for Liv while she cheers

Liv is cheering for her school again this year, and new this year her school's 4th graders have a football.  Giving us something to cheer about.  So, Saturday mornings we cheer Liv as she cheers on the football team. Kingsley and Josie are especially encouraging of their big sisters....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Liv Turns 8

Well, I have an 8 year old on my hands.  Liv turned 8 on September 24th, and we had our 3rd annual slumber party.  The cupcakes on top were the cupcakes that I made for Liv's class, and she choose strawberry ice cream cupcakes for her party.  Also, you can't really tell, but I loved her candles that spelled her name.  Anyway, we had lots of friends and family for the party, and then 6 girls all together spent the night.  Fun was had by all, and the girls were super proud to have set a new late night record.  Liv reported that they went to sleep at 2:37 am.  Perfect.  I also included a picture of the McKee's because Daddy and Baby McKee are making the same exact hilarious face.  Kris--feel free to snag that!  So, the birthday was a success, and Liv has complete her thank you notes.  Thanks to everyone that helped us celebrate!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Well, September slipped away...

I  had been doing so well with blogging as events happen, but the end of September was crazy busy!  My birthday was the 19th and Kevin planned a big surprise dinner with 20 friends--so, so fun!!  We ate at Shogun--where I got to not only wear the chef's hat, but also go behind the grill and do some of the tricks they do.  I nailed the trick where you toss an egg up with a flipper thing and then catch the egg on the side of the flipper to crack the egg.  There's a video of that on YouTube somewhere...I forget how Kevin tagged it.  After dinner we went dancing, where fun was had by all.  Especially Sherry, who just wanted her dance moves to make sense with the music (hey Sherry, this is your first blog shout out--hey there!).  Saturday night Kevin and I went to see a movie and then Sunday we had some family over for a small cookout.  I wish I had more pictures of the weekend--such good times!  

Next up was Liv's birthday, and Liv is cheering now...these blogs are hopefully coming soon....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day

The first question I asked when I scheduled my surgery was "Am I going to feel well enough to have a BBQ at my house for Labor Day?".  I'm pretty sure I overdid it those first few days after surgery, as evidenced by the break from walking that I had to take while walking the mall in search of a gift or the crazy pain that didn't show up until 5 days after the surgery.  But I had things to do and no pesky surgery was gonna be cramping my style.  First item of business was Ryleigh's 9th birthday party.  She had an Alice in Wonderland themed party complete with tea and croquet.  The girls had fun and I got hang out with a lot of my friends, too.  Monday was the BBQ, and I cleaned all day to be ready, while Kevin grocery shopped and cut the grass.  We had 25 or so people come over, mostly work pals.  Everyone brought something and fun was had by all.  A great weekend, all things considered.  And of course, missing from all pics is me...but trust me, I was looking HOT!!