Thursday, October 29, 2009

Building a Birdie House

So, several months ago Josie saw a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode that featured Goofy attempting to build a bird house for baby Red Bird. The popsicle sticks and cards both fell over but with the help of his friends and Toodles, Goofy was finally successful. There's a song that goes along with this and everything. Which I happened to sing a line of yesterday while lunching with Dani and Alan...was it appreciated? No, (Alan actually bolted out the back door before anyone could figure out he was at my table) but these are things that I do with my 2 year old all day. Back to my story....last weekend we were at Joann's getting some costume making supplies and we picked up a small wooden bird house for Josie, who was thrilled. Josie and I painted it this week, with glitter water colors no less. She had a ton of fun painting and as soon as the weather clears up her Daddy is gonna hang it up outside for the birdies...

Liv's School Play ~ The Drum

Liv does a musical every year at school, and this year the second graders were the first to perform this year. Their play was called the drum and follows a poor Indian boy as he helps people on his way to getting a drum...the one thing he wants for his birthday. We learn that being a good Samaritan not only helps other people but is rewarding for you. Anyway, Liv didn't have a stage part this year (her first time without, much to her dismay) so she was a part of the choir. She was to dress like a poor Indian (like from the country of India, not Native American) woman from the 1800s. She wore a skirt of mine that my mom sewed elastic into so it would fit and belted slouchy sweater. The scarf on her head was sorta last minute because I couldn't decide if it was more Indian woman or pirate. All the kids wore them, so Liv was glad she had one. Liv really belongs on a stage and put on quite the performance. We gave her flowers after her show and took 2,000 pictures of her on the stage. Josie was proud of her sister, and was the loudest cheerleader there. It was raining like crazy that night so thanks to Teddy and Grandma for trekking through the rain to support my girl!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Whew, long time no blog and now I'm so far behind that I'm feeling overwhelmed...nonetheless, here we go. The Revel is my favorite local festival, celebrating the arts. Not that my ladies did much art celebrating but the kid activities were fun too. We went several times during the week because this is the only time of the year that the kids get to go to a their sized grocery store and make sand art--so how could one visit possibly be enough, right? The grocery store is fully equipped with kid sized buggys and every food/home item imaginable. The big kids get a list and hunt down the groceries on the list and the little kids just see how many items they can fit in their buggy. When they're done they head to the cashiers to 'ring' them up. Josie insisted on doing the self checkout and rang up every item without the aid of the cashier. Such a big girl. Then we moved on to the sand art area. Liv has about half a dozen of these on the shelves, but this was Josie's first year to participate. Liv rushed through hers and Josie put the grains of sand in one at a time...very telling on their personalities. After a quick funnel cake break, the girls were ready for face paint. Josie has seen her sister get her face painted but has always opted to not join her. The Revel was her first time to try it and she did fine--she chose a purple flower and pointed it out to everyone she saw until bathtime later that night. Liv got lucky and got 2 pictures. I went back later for some Mommy time so I could actually check out the booths. I got a piece of pottery from my fave pottery people and some jelly. And I lunched with Teddy...blackened catfish on dirty rice--yes, please!

Already looking forward to next year's Revel!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Expect Delays

So, I'm using the husband's work laptop to tap this out quickly...our family laptop is dead and so it the charger. We'll get a new one soon enough, but for now--expect delays. And with all my friends joining the blogosphere (except you Teddy, and don't worry we've saved you a spot!) I am feeling some pressure to keep up with my posts. For now, a preview will have to do...coming soon: the Revel, Liv's school play and I'll start Halloween posts. See you soon!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Josie goes to school

I'd been looking for a Mother's Day Out program for Josie since the summer, but I didn't realize they registered for that in April to start in September. So, I was on several waiting lists. Finally, a church super close to home called me and one of their little girls was moving to Alabama which created a spot for Josie. Hooray! We went and took the tour and got all signed up. The first 2 times I took her, the director of the program suggested that I stay so she was a little bit familiar with the people and places before I dropped her off. So, we did that and Josie loved it. They start the morning with free play, then do art, music and have outside time (Jo's fave). After that is lunch time and when I pick Josie up. She could stay until 2 and take a nap there, but at most it would be an hour long nap and she is a big napper so I pick her up and let her nap at home. This gives me Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-12:30 with some free time, which I've been using wisely with errands (so far). The first two times I dropped her off she was super excited and couldn't care less that I was leaving her. What's funny is that I was kinda sad that she didn't cry, which is silly, I know. Now, the past two times I've dropped her off she has cried and that is way worse than me being sad that she didn't cry. I wait in the hallway to see how quickly she calms down and it probably takes under a minute, so I know she'll get used to school and love to go. As long as it isn't time to drop off she loves school--we talk about how fun it is and sing school songs and wave to her school when we drive by it in nonschool days. I am glad that she is going mostly so she can start getting used to a structured day and learn to share like a champ and wait in line and take turns...things that are hard to teach her when it's just the two of us at home during the day. I am also loving my free is so much easier to run errands without having the kids with me!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Circus 2009

We did the circus thing a few weekends ago. Our neighbors, Trey and Erin were well connected this year. They got us free tickets, backstage access, free programs and face painting. So, we really did the circus thing this year. As soon as we got inside we went backstage before the show. We got to see the camels, tigers, and ponies hanging out before show time. The elephants were already on the floor giving rides to kids. When we got back to our seats Kevin had secured us one of every food item my kids ate cotton candy, snow cones, nachos, pizza and funnel cake. Not sure that the sugar high has ended yet! We did have our niece Jordan with us, so at least there was someone else helping us eat so much food. The show started and I really thought the loud music and various noises were gonna scare Josie, but I was wrong--the kid loved it! Th trapeze artists worried Olivia, but other than that, the kids were highly impressed. My favorite act was the sheepdogs, who you could tell were having so much fun. We also saw elephants walking on barrels, contortionists, and the ladies that do the tricks while wrapped up in sheets high in the air (I should probably Google what that act is actually called, but I'll assume my educated readers know what I'm talking about). During the intermission Liv, Jo Jo and Jordan chose the camel as their animal to ride for the evening. For a ridiculous amount, we procured the appropriate coupons and got in line. Josie was so excited, until she was actually placed on the camel. Then she was positive the world was ending. I thought that after the camel got moving she would settle down. Wrong. Really wrong. The guy running the ring wasn't interested in stopping the camel, probably for fear of having to refund the ton of money I had paid to put my poor baby on the animal. Circuses are real rackets, but I'll save that for another post. So, here I am feeling horrible for leaving Josie on the camel, but the second she was off the camel the tears disappeared and she told me she had "so fun" and can we do it one more time......all's well that ends well, right?

Anyway, fun was had by all--big thanks to to Trey and Erin and Erin's mom and step dad for our major hookup!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Liv turns 7!!

September 24, 2002 I got to meet Olivia for the first time. She was beautiful then and is beautiful now. I have loved being her Mom for the past seven years and can't wait to see what the future holds for her. On to this year's birthday celebration. Her birthday fell on Thursday and as is our custom, Liv and I made cupcakes for her class. This year we opted for white cake with purpleish icing and sprinkles. My mom and I made the delivery and the cupcakes were a huge hit. The next day was her party...a slumber party. We invited six girls to spend the night and had all of our friends and family over to grill and have cake. We lucked into really great weather that night, and thank goodness because 25 people in the Estate would have been unpleasant. So, we also got to show off the new patio and pergola--it was a win, win night! Anyway, we ate, Liv opened presents, we sang Happy Birthday, and then ate the Happy Cake (Josie lingo, also her fave part). After that all the adults cleared out--including my husband and left me and Teddy to manage 7 seven year olds and my nearly 13 year old niece. Many thanks to Teddy for braving the storm and also spending the night! We did a slumber party last year and was drama filled--lots of fighting, tattling and I think every girl cried at least once. This year was a breeze...the girls played really well all together and broke into smaller groups with no trouble, we had no tattling and no crying. The girls did fashion shows, had dance contests, made picture frames and bracelets, ate late night pizza, watched a movie and were in bed at 12:30 am--huge success! We wrapped up the party in the morning with some early morning trampoline jumping and cinnamon roll eating. So, thanks to all the moms who trusted me with their kids for the evening and all the friends and family who came to the party and all of Liv's gifts and to Teddy for keeping me company!! Can't wait to see where we go from here....

Patio, meet Pergola

The weekend after our patio was poured Kevin couldn't wait to get started on building the pergola. We acquired the wood on Thursday and Saturday morning Kevin got started, with Alan's help they got the four corner posts put up in no time. The rest of the weekend saw the rest of the pergola go up with little incident. I love the immediate gratification of having a structure where there wasn't one a few days earlier. Kevin would tell the gratification wasn't so immediate for him, but he's pleased none the less. He got it done just in time for Olivia's 7th birthday party. Above is a picture to show you what the pergola looks like when people are sitting under it. Lovely, right? We are now in the market for a fantastic set of patio furniture to complete the grandeur of the backyard...