Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just increasing property value...

For the first time since I've known him, Kevin turned over control of a home improvement project to someone else. We've wanted to add a patio to the backyard for a long time for lots of reasons. I'll list those for you now: we can't get real grass to grow there but the weeds love it no matter what we do, Kenzie likes to potty there and that's too close to the house for my comfort, and we like to entertain and wanted a prettier place to do it. So, we got many bids and the winner was Mr. Jimmy Turner (whose quote was half of our highest quote, crazy). Jimmy was referred to me by my mom, and since my mom is generally brilliant we felt like we were in good hands. Hi mom, just lobbying to be your favorite kid! Jimmy is an efficient man. He came on a Monday and dug out the patio area and Tuesday came back with a helper and concrete truck. I loved the immediate gratification of having dirt in the morning and that afternoon being able to walk on fresh patio. I insisted on leaving our mark in the patio. I snuck Liv out of school during her recess and woke Josie up from her nap early and had Kevin stop work all at the same time to make it happen. I didn't realize how narrow the window of opportunity was to do the imprint. Anyway, we love it and have officially hosted our first event on patio...and Kevin has already built a pergola on it as soon!

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