Monday, September 28, 2009


Thirty is a nice round number and seems totally innocuous when referring to how many days are in the month of September, but in reference to my age, it seems weird. I don't have an 'anti-aging I'm turn 21 for the ninth year in a row' thing going on. I don't really feel any different, I was just so used to saying I was a twenty something, I guess. I've also never been one of the those people who has a timeline of events planned out for their life. So, I never had a clear thought about where I thought I'd be in life when I turned thirty, which is fine with me since I love where I'm at in life. I love my husband and kids and family and that I get to stay home and friends and my house and dog (most of the time) and a million little things that come together to make my life what it is. So, thanks to everyone who contributes!

For my birthday, I had lunch with my lady friends (minus Kristen, who was excused due to birthing a baby the previous evening) and that night I went out with other friends. Leigh and Robyn got me a fantastic dress and spent an hour curling my hair and I put shoes on with about an 8" heel and off we went. I had a great night with everyone and then to complete the birthday weekend we had cake the next night to include the kiddies.

Sorry there aren't more pics but I stopped using my camera after we left the Stewart's house. Leigh and Robyn both have Facebook albums of the rest of the night, but when I tried to use the URLs from those pictures nothing showed up here...I'll try to remedy that soon!

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