Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We say goodbye to Josie's mullet and a living room wall

'll start with the whole in the wall since those pics are on top.  I told you we had nothing else to is the result (not end result, but so far) of that boredom.  The next step is to run some new wires for lighting and electrical outlets and then finish framing in the opening, and add trim.  Hopefully this happens soon.  About Josie's mullet--I was holding out hope that her layer of hair that is supposed to be growing under the hair she has would start to grow.  This hasn't happened and she has the undershave that is the envy of all.  Hey, at least she's cool in the summertime, right?  Anyway, enough was enough said her dad--and off to Robyn we went. Josie has had her haircut before but nevertheless, she cried through the entire cut.  The end result is miraculously straight and super cute.  Here's hoping the undershave grows in soon....And by the way, these pics were taken this morning (especially for Dani) and Josie was still in pajamas...she isn't normally in oversized t-shirts!!

1 comment:

Dani said...

i'm pleased with the haircut and also THE WALL! Looks good! I need to come by and see in person...