Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Part 1

Sorry it has taken me so long to blog our holidays, we really had a great time and I have no excuse for the delay.  I got to see the Rockettes with my mom a few weeks ago so there are also some pics from that.  Our Christmas started on the 24th with Kevin's family.  We met at Monjunis (b/c nothing says Christmas dinner like lasagna, right?) for lunch--there were 13 of us.  Our Italian lunch also explains why Josie is a stained mess in every other picture for the day.  After that everyone caravaned over to our house to open presents.  The Denlers are funny present openers--every present is doled out to its recipient and then the presents are opened in order from oldest to youngest.  When it is your turn, you open all your presents while the whole family watches.  That went well, I think everyone got stuff they actually liked and will use--which can't be said for every year.  After that, we had to load up our car to caravan out to my moms house for my family Christmas....which leads me to part 2....

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